Exotic Wings

Polish Warriors

10 Days
May 16, 2025
Shoot Type
Exotic Wings / Photo Shoot
Book Now From
£ 1,595.00 

A mouth-watering mix of exclusive classic Cold War photo shoots!

A tour of Poland that takes in a ton of jets from the Cold War era, with access and photo shoots at each venue, including unique, private shoots with a MiG-23, MiG-15, MiG-17 and Sukhoi Su-22 in operational settings, the two (amazing) primary museums in Poland (Krakow & Deblin)... and more!

Delivered by
Exotic Wings
This trip is open for booking

COAP Wings trips are Land Only by default. If you require flights from/to your local airport, we will be happy to provide you with a quote. Please fill in the details below. Do not book your own flights without our confirmation that the trip is going ahead.

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The provisional itinerary is shown below (Land Only, flights from your airport available on request).

Friday, 16th May: Meet in Warsaw from 1130hrs and travel directly to Modlin Airport to visit the incredible MiG-15s and MiG-17 operations of Fundacja Esakdra/The Squadron Foundation.

Saturday 17th May: Visit the Pilskie Museum near Pila, for a very special visit to get up close and personal with their stunning, privately owned Su-22 'Fitter' in full Cold War ops mode.

Sunday 18th May: A super shoot with the MiG-23UB 850 'Flogger-C' at Team Fundacja Srebrne, in operational setting.

Monday 19th - Thursday 22nd May: Local operations.

Friday 23rd May: Visit to the impressive Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.

Saturday 24th May: Visit the Polish Air Force Museum at Deblin, with over 200 aircraft.

Sunday 25th May - Morning in Warsaw on more Cold War jet hunting, before returning to Warsaw Airport.

This trip is offered on a Land Only basis, meeting in Warsaw on 16th May and departing from Warsaw on 25th May. Flights are available from your local airport by request; please indicate at the time of booking (and do not book your own flights until the trip is fully confirmed; they MUST closely match the selected flights—Quotes available upon request (BA flight currently estimated from £650).

Currently, the chosen UK departure flights for this amazing trip will be using British Airways, departing on BA846 at 0735hrs from London Heathrow (arriving into Warsaw at 1100hrs) and departing Warsaw on 25th May at 1815hrs on BA851.

Land-Only Twin Room Accommodation: from £1595.00 per person

Land-Only Single Room Accommodation: from £2149.00 per person

What you need to know

This is a Land-Only trip and does not include the cost of flights.

COAP flights (as per the details above) are available from our travel partner, HC Travel when booking this trip. Please be aware prices are changing daily and will only go up, so early booking is essential.

You may obtain your own flights from your preferred local airport, but please note that the timings need to match closely the COAP timings detailed above.

Please ensure you do not book your flights until COAP has confirmed this trip is going ahead.

Aspects of this trip are hoped to include operational military facilities so please be aware circumstances can change. If, for whatever reason, the operational aspects cannot be undertaken in part or full, then the trip will still proceed regardless.

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